Posted by Unknown at 10:29 AM
Veteran's Day always makes me stop and spend some time thinking about those members of my family who have served our nation. I'm sure many of you have members, past and present, that have given of themselves to keep us safe. Here in is my family's roll-call:
The Major
John Rush Herndon II served in WWII. Won Bronze Star for meritorious action against a dedicated enemy during German breakout at 'The Battle of The Bulge." |
Some of you read my blog "The Very Best of Us" that depicts my nephew Billy Montieth in the picture below. He just re-enlisted for another five years. |
This is my eldest son Anthony. He won his naval 'AIM' medal for actions that saved his sub not long after 911 broke out. He now works full time for Blue Bell Ice Cream while taking a full course load at U of H, where he is studying Theoretical Physics.
My father, John Rush Herndon III, MD. He was a cadet at VPI (now known as Virginia Tech) where he played football and studied pre-Med. He went on for his doctorate at UGa and spent two years as a Flight Surgeon with the US Air Force, during the build up in Vietnam. |
My step brother Alan Ellinger. One old salty dude. Played tight end for the Greenwave and wrestled at a state level. The Army wanted him to grapple on their wrestling team, so Alan joined, then ended up in a shooting match down in Panama, the Gulf and so on. An asst. Principle here in the Houston area now, he serves in the guard and just came back from another tour of duty. His father was a thirty year Airborne Ranger that was involved in training the first Green Berets when they emerged. Also, not pictured, our other brother Howard Jr. (Bubba) served two years as well in the eighties stationed in Germany. |
My double-second cousin Bobby Kelly. One of the Fla. cousins proudly served in Iraq |
Pfc. Petak, my step son Jonathan. He almost made it through bootcamp, but destroyed his knee during training. He's out now and about to attend college in Pittsburg Pa.
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Also not pictured here above: My uncle Charles Jarrard who flew a glider into Normady with the 101st Airborne on D-Day. He was wounded in action while trying to make a supply run into Baston.
I'm pretty sure most families out there have many members who have given their time, and even their lives in service to all of us. We can remember them always, but we can never thank them enough.
Images used on this site are a combination of search results and personal photography; we in no way intend to infringe upon any rights. As applicable, our 2011 (c) belongs to one or more of the following: S. Bond Herndon, Heather Hyde-Herndon, feathermaye. If you feel you have a claim to any image used on this site, please feel free to contact us at
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