Wednesday, November 6, 2013

ARK LIFE: What the Hell are we doing and why? Part Deux

So let me make this clear: ARK LIFE can be

lived anywhere, any place; all one needs is what you carry with you...

This is especially good if you are, like Feathermaye and me: starving artists.

Between our writing, painting, photography and jewelry design, we have a lot of keen interests which, along with sixty-five cents, will get us a cup of
"Waiting in The Wings"
Photography by
coffee...Just not at Starbucks.

The pursuit of ART is not only solitary, it's most often unrewarding, financially.  Ergo, one needs the proverbial day job to pay the expenses, which we try hard to keep minimal.  
S. Bond Herndon's New Novel
Coming Soon

We did a year of cruising through the great wilds of East Texas, taking photos, writing great American Novels, blogging about it all, and selling our wears at one of the oldest swap meets in the
1st Monday Trade Days
Canton, Texas
One of the oldest swap meets
since the late 1850's

This got us a lot of material, but as funding ran low, we had to get back to our jobs: Self-Storage Resident Managers.

For us, it's the perfect fit.  You see, The Fabulous Feathermaye and Yours Truly enjoy each other's company more than anything else, so working side by side, day in and day out, living without neighbors or distractions just works.

Plus, our ARK LIFE STYLE leaves us with
Many of the residences we've been
housed in have huge, open space
great for studio work.  Paint, photography
music recording, we do it all
plenty of space in the apartment (usually included with this job), so we turn that space into a studio.

If you stop by our place to visit, we'll happily set you up on an air mattress--don't knock it, we slept on them for two years--right next to paint canvasses and drop cloths.  You'll get to look through stacks of photos, paintings and we'll probably talk your ears off when we're not watching something on ROKU.

You'll get to dine on fine, Gluten Free cuisine,
and if you want to hit the town, we take the train (station is just behind the property) into downtown to take in museums, music, parks etc. 

It's the simple life, with focus.  

More about that focus, as well as a lot of tips on ARK Living in future posts...


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Images used on this site are a combination of search results and personal photography; we in no way intend to infringe upon any rights. As applicable, our 2011 (c) belongs to one or more of the following: S. Bond Herndon, Heather Hyde-Herndon, feathermaye. If you feel you have a claim to any image used on this site, please feel free to contact us at

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