Saturday, January 15, 2011

Don't BUY it! Save your money!

The Fabulous Feathermaye brought something to my attention this morning and I had no other choice but to blog about it: Somebody on Etsy is selling our original novel “Into The Blue” for 50.00! 

Good God, please, oh please don’t buy this book. 

In fact, even though I know some of you will not listen to me, I’d just as soon no one else bought this book—ever; especially from these idiots who are just doubling their costs and advertising it, simply because I have a new one out.  Besides, the fools at that publishing company aren’t paying me anything for it; I haven’t had a check from them in years!

They were priced way too high, for what they put out.  My rough draft is actually better than the final work, believe it or not.  Not only did they do a poor job of editing, they added mistakes that I had not even dreamed possible!  By the time I figured it all out, it was too late, the book was on the shelves and we had to settle down into our own embarrassment. 

That first work taught us a lot.  We’re still learning.  There was a day and time when your publisher took care of everything for you, worked conscientiously and meticulously to edit, promote and advertise the work and their stable of authors.  No more…

Our first book was published by one of the very first POD (Publish On Demand) companies to pop up.  At the time, we had just come within a hair’s width of signing with a major Lit Agency.  The deal ended up flopping and we fell back to these new guys, who, in turn, pretty much ruined any hope we had for ‘Into The Blue’.  It’s out there, it has our name on it, but we are not happy about it, or the way it came out.  Our deepest apologies to all those friends who’ve spent good money on it, but this must come to an end…

“Into The Blue” is in the early stages of a complete re-write.  If you already own it, you will recognize some of it in the new work.  Yes, Spoons is in there, he was originally born and brought to life in those pages, one of the ‘bright’ spots the work held.  Shank Thorbern is in there as well, without much change: all reviews proved that Shank was evil enough to keep.   It’s Jake’s character that needed changing, he still had too much of yours-truly in him and it did not, in the end, work as well as we would have liked.  Jake will be more real in the next version of ‘Blue’.  He has problems and issues, like most of us.  He’s not at all prepared for the events coming at him—who would be? 

I’ve evolved as well, even though I still prefer to call myself a ‘storyteller’.  Writers, real writers, are simply much better at the literary word than I can ever hope to be.  I can still tell a mean story, and write it all down carefully, so it makes sense.  

Save your money and just wait for the new Blue.  If you're still dying to read the original, I can send you an electronic copy at no charge. 

More to come…



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