The holidays have always been a source of comfort to Your's Truly. This year, I'll celebrate my tenth year of marriage to my fabulous wife, I'll turn 53(but feeling eighteen again in so many ways--Thank you ZEAL!), and I have four fantastic, ADULT offspring, two beautiful and quite lively little granddaughters and a dog named Starbuck (after Lt. Cm. Starbuck of Battle Star Galactica).
All of the above is the stuff of life, the surroundings that bring us comfort and the true sense of belonging to a family.
This Blog began because I published a Book and as we worked to build excitement, learned how to effectively promote a work of such nature over the WWW, and found out just how much we needed to break away from the old routine before we could really get it going... This little blog was birthed, with little real expectation on my part. I just didn't understand how, exactly, a blog needed to be...well...blogged.
Feathermaye kept at me to read other bloggers that were out there, the ones that had kept it up, built a readership by finding a topic that people would enjoy following along with. Dooce, well, she's THE DOOCE, and perhaps the best example I've had to follow, closely along the heels of THE BLOGGESS, who uses humor like nobody's-bidness. I read and followed, and kept sticking up little pieces of writing that spoke to me, whenever they sparked up a little literary flame.
In August, the event I'm Most Grateful for, strange as it may sound, happened when we were laid off from our cushy little job and we lost the roof over our heads, medical insurance, as well as income. It was our chance... we realized quite clearly, to go ahead with our plans.
I'm so grateful for the confusing events of the summer because it brought real focus to this blog on my part. We found The Mountain, and a new world of subject material. I began to see how to create a blog audience, and since last November, I'm proud to say our readership has grown over 100%. I'm like a kid again when I wake up to see how many of you have taken a look at the latest post.
I'll most likely put up a few more posts like this, as the season progresses; I get all warm and fuzzy this time of the year.
Thank you all for following! You know you can always find us on facebook--Thanks Zuckerberg! It would really be sweet if you give this blog a Tweet!, as you Stumblealong looking for something to Digg.
Sometimes in life things happen that seem to be the worse that could possibly happen but then GREAT things come out of journey! I'm praying that you guys find much more than financial comfort during this new part of your life. God bless!
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