That's right, Modern Society, you read the title correctly. But, that's just the way we roll, right?
Just because a guy comes along once in a great while with brilliant vision and a direct approach to problem solving, does NOT mean we should take any notice, should we?
When a crazy dude like Jacque Fresco invents hundreds of life-changing instruments and just...(gulp) gives them away with no particular care that the folks he's giving it away to are getting rich, well, that's just not reason enough for us to even look his way, is it?
I cannot tell you what to think, folks. But I know genius and I know what makes perfect sense, at least to me...
Take a look at "The Future By Design", a film about Jacque Fresco made by William Gazecki, and you tell me he's not... Our Da Vinci
His vision contained in "The Venus Project" is astounding, to say the least, and gives Your's Truly a sense that we can always start over and make it better. America has always done that very thing. Why stop now?
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