Thursday, December 8, 2011

ON THE MOUNTAIN: Inspiration is a very close companion...

On quiet nights, the trees up here will speak to you.  Some here call the phenomenon "The still, small voice", while others nod, take a deep, involuntary breath and...let go the contented sigh.  

You can see the ideas running around behind their eyes; I should know because everyone I met when I first came saw it in mine...and still do.

If you are aware that you are searching, the feeling hits you, as it did us, as soon as you put a foot on the ground here.  It is hallowed ground the many who have been here for years.  

Inspiration, we've come to find, depends upon limitations. The "Slip-stream of consciousness" that artists dip their imaginations into can often harden its approaches, barring entrance until you say the magic word.

We came here with our limitations: Out of work and homeless sums up the situation.  The kindness of friends and the love of family has helped us find this perch, where we can gather what we will before we leap back into whatever life has in store for us.  

We discovered a remarkable truth about this place: despite our limitations, our lack of funds and even the limited ability to cook, eat and do dishes in the same building, our focus keeps gravitating to inspiration, rather than all that might hold us back, circumstantially.

We've found no barrier here.  Rather, we've opened a limitless source. We can dip into these waters at any moment. A constant flood of ideas, continuously scrawled on whiteboards, notepads and even napkins, come like ghosts who've finally found someone who can actually hear what they are saying... Inspiration speaks here.

Not everyone is affected as such.  We've met those who set foot here and can ONLY SEE PROFITS.  Sadly, the rest of us already know they are doomed, and they will, eventually fall away as so many others have over the years since those early days when this place was first conceptualized.

The ghosts of those originals haunt this hill; ghost hunters come on a regular basis to photograph orbs, collect what evidence they can of the beyond; who knows if it's really the ghosts of some artist, or some old settler still looking to trade his horse, or even some Native American who would love to see his sacred grounds left undisturbed.  When you are up here on The Mountain, you can feel the energy, all one needs to do is... Tune in.

Shop Canton, experience The Mountain!

As always, we wish to thank you for following this blog.  You can always find us on facebook as you stumbleupon the web looking for stuff to digg. If you would be sweet and give this one a TWEET!


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Images used on this site are a combination of search results and personal photography; we in no way intend to infringe upon any rights. As applicable, our 2011 (c) belongs to one or more of the following: S. Bond Herndon, Heather Hyde-Herndon, feathermaye. If you feel you have a claim to any image used on this site, please feel free to contact us at

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